4th ski day

by Marya Doery, Tuesday March 6, 2012

It was another beautiful morning at Wachusett. I got there around 9 am and headed towards Ralph's Run. It's usually quite easy. But the snow was very dry and thin over a hard surface, and it felt uncomfortably fast. I decided to check out conditions elsewhere and switched to Hitchcock Trail-Frannie's Folly; those also seemed a little sketchy. So then I moved to the greens, Sundowner and Indian Summer.

Those slopes were both in great condition with lots of corduroy snow! I did three runs over there, before deciding I wasn't being challenged enough. I headed back to Ralph's Run. I guess it helped to have the sun hit the trail, because it had improved quite a bit, and I was able to handle the whole run without any problems. The NASTAR course was not up on Challenger, so I went down that trail once, and didn't fall, for a change.

I chatted with various people while riding the lifts. Opinions are mixed about the coming month. Some people think that this is our last day or two of skiing, since it's supposed to get crazy warm on Wednesday. Other people think we'll get more snow and cold days. I hope they're right!

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